“We share a common bond: We are powerless over food and our lives are unmanageable.”
Overeaters Anonymous (OA) is a community of people who support each other in order to recover from compulsive eating and food behaviors. We welcome everyone who feels they have a problem with food.
We are men and women - obese, anorexic, bulimic, or of a normal weight - from around the world who are recovering from compulsive eating. Our food behaviors include: obsession with body weight, size, and shape; eating binges; grazing; preoccupation with weight-reduction diets; starving; inducing vomiting after eating; constant preoccupation with food; inability to stop eating after taking the first bite; and overexercising. Our symptoms may vary, but we share a common bond: We are powerless over food and out lives are unmanageable.
Typically, we have tried numerous solutions to our problems with food, including years of diets or exercise. In our Fellowship, we have finally found a solution. Many of us have maintained a normal weight and found freedom from compulsive eating for many years. Physical, emotional, and spiritual recovery is offered through attending meetings, practicing a Twelve Step program, and helping others.
If you feel you are one of us, we welcome you with open arms.
- Lifeline