Carrying the message to the compulsive overeater who still suffers is the basic purpose of our Fellowship; therefore, it is the most fundamental form of SERVICE.


Speaker at Meetings

Share your ESH (experience, strength, and hope) with others. SCPOAI maintains a list of members in the area that are able and willing to speak at meetings. Fill out our form to add yourself.


The Big Book tells us: “Practical experience shows that nothing will so much insure immunity from drinking as intensive work with other alcoholics.” The same is true with eating and compulsive eaters. SCPOAI maintains a list of members that are able and willing to sponsor. Fill out our form to add yourself.

Vacant/Needed Intergroup Positions

Corresponding Secretary
World Service Rep

Descriptions of positions can be found in our Policy Manual.

Visitor at SCPOAI Meeting

All OA members are encouraged to attend SCPOAI meetings.

When is the next meeting?

Newsletter Contributor

Please help carry the message by sharing your experience, strength, and hope in a newsletter article.

If you would like to submit any material, please send a message to