South Central Pennsylvania Overeaters Anonymous Intergroup (SCPOAI) is a part of Region 7 of OA (which serves Intergroups in Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Washington, D.C., and West Virginia). SCPOAI serves approximately 30 member groups in the South Central Pennsylvania area.
8:00-8:45 Voices of Recovery/For Today Meeting
8:45-9:00 Fellowship
9:00 Intergroup meeting starts
2025 Dates: No January meeting; February 1; March 1; April 5; May 3; June 7; No July meeting; August 2; September 6; October 4; November 1 (is usually the 2nd Saturday due to Region 7 Convention, but that is later this year); December 6
Meetings are virtual through Zoom - - please contact us at scpoai.ig@gmail.com for meeting information.
Chair: Delphine B
Vice Chair: Janice J.
Recording Secretary: Amanda D.
Corresponding Secretary: Heather H.
Treasurer: Yvonne T.
Assistant Treasurer: Diane K.
Region 7 Rep(s): Glenn K.; Scott W.
World Service Rep(s): Dana M.
12th Step Within: Chris R.
Orientation: VACANT
Ways & Means: Peri R.
Newsletter Co-Chairs: Dana M.; Mercedes
Literature: TO BE FILLED
Website: Amanda D.
Outreach: VACANT
Facebook: Tom K.
SCPOAI is a clearinghouse through which meetings and members can communicate quickly and efficiently for the purpose of OA business. SCPOAI operates a 24 hour answering service (717-870-8115), maintains a local meeting list, publishes a quarterly newsletter "Road to Recovery," disseminates information to the public, keeps the World Service Office informed of meeting changes, and arranges marathons and retreats. We also interact with other intergroups and Region 7 to bring our members news of additional special events and meetings outside of South Central Pennsylvania.
Each meeting in the South Central Pennsylvania area may elect a member (and an alternate) to represent their group at the monthly SCPOAI meeting. While voting is limited at SCPOAI meetings to "official" representatives, SCPOAI meetings are open to all members of the fellowship. In carrying out our mission, service opportunities are numerous. We welcome all those who are interested in participating in one of the special interest committees within SCPOAI. If you are interested in strengthening your program with the rewarding service opportunities available above the meeting level, please join us at SCPOAI. More information regarding SCPOAI and the committees can be found in the SCPOAI Policy Manual.